Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Research, Research, Research

I went to the bookstore today not to buy a book, (although I ended up buying 1 anyway making my poor wallet sputter in anxiety) but to see if anyone else has a current book out like any of my ideas.

I perused the Fantasy/Sci-Fi section then went over to the Horror section but couldn't find anything like my idea. YAY! It means I have a really unique idea but bad in a way too because then it might be harder to categorize.

But I refuse to let any negativity rain on my parade. I'm taking this as a good sign and one more reason to hurry and get my idea on paper. I need this push because over the last 3 days I haven't written anything except a little something in this blog. I need more writing.
Must write everyday... Must write everyday....

It's my new mantra, write SOMETHING everyday, whether it's a page or a paragraph it's going down on paper. I don't care if it's good or bad, I just want full pages because remember it's probably gonna get rewritten. So.....

Must write everyday......

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